Friday, September 9, 2011

Do You Recognize The Signs?

I went to the store today and on my way back I ran into a friend. We started talking about world events and people’s behavior. I agreed with everything she said and as we talked I noticed that others were passing by in their cars driving furiously as if they were angry or those in front weren’t driving fast enough; what we were talking about was quite evident right before our eyes. 

Since the beginning of time man has often heard the story of Adam and Eve and because of their disobedience they lost the right to live in paradise, thus anyone born after them would be imperfect, but where does that leave us? 

In September 2000, members of the United Nations met and unanimously set a number of goals to reach by the year 2015. 

·         Reduce the amount of people that lived on less than a dollar a day as well as those who suffered from hunger
·         Ensure all children complete primary education
·         Eliminate gender inequality when it comes to education
·         Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate of children under 5
·         Reduce maternal rate by 75%
·         Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/Aids as well as other diseases
·         Reduce by 50% the amount of people who don’t have access to safe drinking water

Are those goals realistic when there’s slow progress with poverty, HIV/Aids are on the rise, children who could’ve been spared an early death die because of waterborne diseases, and hundreds of millions of people live in conditions that are deplorable associated with lack of clean drinking water and sanitation? If nothing seems to be changing what’s going on?

·         Warfare – Matthew 24: 7; Revelation 6: 4
·         Famine – Matthew 24: 7; Revelation 6: 5, 6, 8
·         Pestilences – Luke21: 11; Revelation 6: 8
·         Lawlessness – Matthew 24: 12
·         Ruining the earth – Revelation 11: 18
·         Earthquakes – Luke 21: 11
·         Critical times hard to deal with – 2 Timothy 3: 1
·         Disobedience to parents – 2 Timothy 3: 2
·         Lack of natural affection – 2 Timothy 3: 3
·         Loving pleasures rather than God – 2 Timothy 3: 4
·         Lack self-control – 2 Timothy 3: 3
·         Without love of goodness – 2 Timothy 3: 3
·         Taking no note of the impending danger– Matthew 24: 39
·        Ridiculers reject proof of last days – 2 Peter 3: 3-4

What we hear and see around us was described millions of years ago in the Bible. What you read is exactly what you’re seeing; we’re living in the last days. Things aren’t the same since time began like many have said; things are slowly but surely inching towards the finale. 

What You Can Do

When a person buys a smoke detector it’s to let them know in case a fire starts, when they get a vaccine it’s to help them fight a disease, when they heed the speed limit it’s to prevent an accident, reading and studying the Bible will safeguard your life if you act on it. 

The end of this system of things doesn’t mean the end of your life, it could be the beginning, but it’s all up to you. The Bible isn’t a fairy tale or “not real” like many think, these events are significant and they will happen affecting all.

“And in the days of those kings (man’s government) the God of heaven will set up a kingdom (God’s government) that will never be brought to ruin. And the kingdom (God’s government) itself will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms (man’s government), and it itself will stand to time indefinite” Daniel 2: 44

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