Friday, May 29, 2015

Violence against Women

He had all the future traits of someone who would someday hurt women. He never respected a woman especially if she was in authority, he slouched, he talked about her, he laughed about her with his friends, he took it out many times by punching the wall or slamming the chair; unfortunately other females were scared of him.

When he went home his father demonstrated the same qualities. He always said they were the worse drivers and their place was in the kitchen. Do you see the similarity? Everything the boy saw he learned from his father; it didn’t surprise anyone that he had this attitude because he was following in his father’s shoes.

Now the question is turned to us. How many are displaying the same behavior in front of their child without realizing the damage they’re doing? How many yell and punch their wives without noticing their child is watching? If you think they’re not then you’re fooling yourself. How many women permit this type of behavior and think it’s okay, after all they’re the man of the house and the breadwinner.

If you give the impression to your sons that it’s okay to mistreat a woman, that’s exactly what they’re going to do when they grow up. If you let your son disrespect you, what do you think he will do to his wife? And if you have any daughters, the same applies to them.

Women tend to look for a man that reminds them of their father. Do you want your daughter married to a man that’s going to disrespect and mistreat her, that’s going to beat her?  What example are you setting for her as a woman; let anyone step all over her? What will that do to her self-esteem, confidence and trust in men?

I don’t understand when parents say they don’t know how he turned out that way. What kind of relationship did you have at home with him and what was the environment like? It’s too easy to point the finger at someone else without taking a good look at ourselves. It’s also embarrassing to admit that your son beats his wife and he learned that from his father, the one you look at every day and think his behavior is okay.

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