I was watching Obama’s speech about job creation and noticed some people were excited and some weren’t. If anyone took a look at those who were in attendance they seemed bored or as if they had heard that before. What many fail to realize is those who are elected were put in office by the same ones that now complain about them.
When will people get it; you may wonder get what: What people are supposed to get is that a very long time ago men requested a king to judge over them, someone they could actually see; the same thing happened; what they were doing was something very serious. Instead of relying on Jehovah God who they couldn’t see but knew was there to help them, they thought that a visible king would be better.
“In time all the older men of Israel collected themselves together and came to Samuel at Ra′mah and said to him: “Look! You yourself have grown old, but your own sons have not walked in your ways. Now do appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations.” But the thing was bad in the eyes of Samuel inasmuch as they had said: “Do give us a king to judge us,” and Samuel began to pray to Jehovah. Then Jehovah said to Samuel: “Listen to the voice of the people as respects all that they say to you; for it is not you whom they have rejected, but it is I whom they have rejected from being king over them.” 1 Samuel 8: 4-7
Samuel knew they wouldn’t fair well with a human king and the consequences would be grave but if that’s what they wanted, he would do as they said. When it comes to politicians and governments’ people are never satisfied nor are they happy with laws that are put in place; what may accommodate some does not accommodate all, but who elected those officials? People, and by the same token they have the right to make decisions like what happened in Samuel’s time.
“And he proceeded to say: “This will become the rightful due of the king that will reign over YOU: YOUR sons he will take and put them as his in his chariots and among his horsemen and some will have to run before his chariots; And YOUR daughters he will take for ointment mixers and cooks and bakers. And YOU will certainly cry out in that day by reason of YOUR king, whom YOU have chosen for yourselves, but Jehovah will not answer YOU in that day.” 1 Samuel 8: 11, 13, 18
As commander in chief the president has a right to send your sons and daughters to war and that’s what’s happened, he also has a right to make laws or veto what he doesn’t agree with; man wanted a visible king since long ago and for those who throw their vote today empty promises never materialize.
Man has rejected God preferring another human being who’s as imperfect as him or her, that’s the reason the situation is in dire straits because the government that many believe in is NOT supposed to bring the solution to problems that has plagued mankind for so long.
Until people acknowledge and realize that Jehovah God’s kingdom will solve everyday problems and bring peace, things will continue to go from bad to worse.
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