Tuesday, May 19, 2015


I went to visit a friend of mine and her neighbor stopped by. After we were introduced, I saw her open up and start talking to me about her children. It was actually very sad because this woman cried in front of a stranger she had never met. I listened intently and saw how her tears streamed from her eyes. My friend looked at me as if to say, "She's broken."

Her daughter passed away leaving two small children; she was only twenty- two. Her son was shot in the head; he was thirty. She told me she was alone and couldn't even have contact with her grandchildren. Unfortunately this situation isn't something new. All of us know someone that may be crying out to us or we may be feeling like that. The funny thing is, the day was sunny and beautiful and this woman was a wreck, so you see it doesn't matter the weather, it's your life. We can say that pain pardons no one.

We've all had those days and desperately or secretly search for answers to our hidden problems; this woman thought she would never see her children again. I spoke to her about the resurrection; a hope so dear and real to us we can almost reach out and embrace our loved ones. She wanted to know if it was true. I said yes. I showed her what it says in  the Bible, "Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming in which all those in  the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgement." John 5:28-29.

I saw a glimmer of relief; she was a different person than the one I recently met. When I left I told her to take care of herself and went back to talk to my friend.

In a world where people seem so aloof in recognizing and acknowledging another's problems, it's important to take time and ask ourselves, would we want someone to be there for me? How important is it that people actually sit down and listen to what I have to say?

Technology is crippling us to the extent that we no longer need to personally communicate with one another. We send a text with a smiley and our work has been done, but is a text the same as hearing the person's voice, and is a smiley the same as seeing another person's smile? Or the emoticon with the tears; is that the same as seeing real tears? We can't let ourselves become so self absorbed that we forget that communication with another individual is important. We need not forget we're social animals and need human contact.

I would've never met that woman and brought some type of relief to her if I hadn't gone and visited  my friend, and in bringing her comfort, it reassured the hope I have. Who will you aid today?

"There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." Acts 20:35

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